Horus Balogh-Zanin abalo003@ucr.edu Advisor: Nigel C. Hughes Paleontology Phillip Boan pboan001@ucr.edu Advisor: Mary Droser Paleontology Website Lupita Bravo gbrav011@ucr.edu Advisor: David Oglesby Geophysics Wynter Broussard abrou009@ucr.edu Advisor: Edward Schwieterman Earth and Planetary Sciences Di Chen di.chen1@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Robert J. Allen Norma Contreras ncont028@ucr.edu Advisor: Gareth Funning Earth and Planetary Sciences Geophysics David Duarte dduar020@ucr.edu Advisor: Wei Liu Physical Oceanography & Climate Dynamics Saleheh Ebadirad sebad001@ucr.edu Advisor: Timothy Lyons Geochemistry Website James Gomez jgome222@ucr.edu Advisor: Robert J. Allen Global Climate & Environmental Change Website Sandy Herho sandy.herho@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Andrew J. Ridgwell Global Climate & Environmental Change Website Michelle Hill mhill012@ucr.edu Advisor: Stephen R. Kane Astrobiology Adam Hoffman ahoff003@ucr.edu Advisor: Gordon Love Geochemistry Celeste Hofstetter chofs002@ucr.edu Advisor: Gareth Funning Geophysics Caroline Hung chung041@ucr.edu Advisor: Timothy Lyons Geochemistry Website Christopher Jones cjone095@ucr.edu Advisor: Timothy Lyons Geochemistry Website Andrew Kennedy andrew.kennedy001@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Andrey Bekker Francis Alexander Kovalick fkova001@ucr.edu Advisor: Andrey Bekker Geochemistry Website Hsin-Yu Lee hlee423@ucr.edu Advisor: Roby Douilly Geophysics Yu-Chi Lee ylee401@ucr.edu Advisor: Wei Liu Physical Oceanography & Climate Dynamics Michaela Leung mleun019@ucr.edu Advisor: Edward Schwieterman Earth and Planetary Science Website Kai-Yuan Li kaiyuan.li1@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Wei Liu Terry Li tli011@ucr.edu Advisor: Nicolas Barth Geomorphology Zhexing Li zli245@ucr.edu Advisor: Stephen R. Kane Astrobiology Website Li-Chieh Lin lichieh.lin1@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Gareth Funning Geophysics Website Adam Margolis amarg012@ucr.edu Advisor: David Oglesby Geophysics Website Evan Marschall emars009@ucr.edu Advisor: Roby Douilly Geophysics Website Nathan Marshall nmars008@ucr.edu Advisor: Gordon Love Geochemistry Heather McCandless hmcca005@ucr.edu Advisor: Mary Droser Paleontology Andre Mere amere003@ucr.edu Advisor: Nicolas Barth Active Tectonics Emma Miles emma.miles@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Stephen R. Kane Mohima Sultana Mimi mmimi001@ucr.edu Advisor: Wei Liu Physical Oceanography & Climate Dynamics Gayatri Mishra gmish005@ucr.edu Advisor: Sandra Kirtland Turner Global Climate & Environmental Change Shankho Niyogi sniyo001@ucr.edu Advisor: Abhijit Ghosh Geophysics Colby Ostberg costb001@ucr.edu Advisor: Stephen R. Kane Astrobiology Website Binayak Parida binayak.parida@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Abhijit Ghosh Daria Pidhorodetska dpidh001@ucr.edu Advisor: Edward Schwieterman Earth and Planetary Science Website Xianglin Ren xren024@ucr.edu Advisor: Wei Liu Physical Oceanography & Climate Dynamics Karlee Rivera krive050@ucr.edu Advisor: Gareth Funning Geophysics Ryan Rivera rrive040@ucr.edu Advisor: Gareth Funning Geophysics Adriana Rizzo arizz001@ucr.edu Advisor: Gordon Love Geochemistry Beth Shallon bshal002@ucr.edu Advisor: Heather Ford Geophysics Evan Sneed esnee001@ucr.edu Advisor: Timothy Lyons Astrobiology Website Shravya Srivastava ssriv008@ucr.edu Advisor: Nigel C. Hughes Paleontology Website Ashley Stroup ashley.stroup@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Heather Ford Geophysics Rachel Surprenant rsurp001@ucr.edu Advisor: Mary Droser Paleontology Website Antony Thomas athom152@ucr.edu Advisor: Wei Liu Physical Oceanography & Climate Dynamics Christopher Tino ctino001@ucr.edu Advisor: Timothy Lyons Geochemistry Website Chenyi Tu ctu017@ucr.edu Advisor: Timothy Lyons Geochemistry Website Sadie Welter sadie.welter@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Stephen R. Kane Brianna Wenzel brianna.wenzel@email.ucr.edu Advisor: Maryjo Brounce Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry Walker Weyland wweyl001@ucr.edu Advisor: Mary Droser Paleontology Ginny Winters gwint003@ucr.edu Advisor: Gordon Love Geochemistry Yijian Zhou yzhou279@ucr.edu Advisor: Abhijit Ghosh Geophysics