2025 Earth and Planetary Sciences Departmental Scholarship Opportunities
EPS Graduate “Bridging the Gap” Fund
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences will consider small (<$500) requests from EPS graduate students to meet immediate research needs when existing resources just fall short. Requests for funding must support the graduate student’s field or laboratory research or fund travel expenses to support research (through, e.g., conference presentations or external collaborations). The student must have already secured other sources of funding to meet the majority of planned expenses. These awards are intended to “bridge the gap” only—they are not intended to be the only or primary source of funding for any research activity, and only intended for those with a demonstrated, near-term need. (Example: the student has won a competitive travel grant but is just short of the required funds to complete the planned research activity.) Awards are not intended as a cost-sharing program for students or faculty with existing resources. Requests are considered on an ongoing basis, but no student may receive more than one “Bridging the Gap” award per year. Funds may become exhausted over the course of an academic year.
Application Requirements: Please fill in the following Google Form and provide the requested information in the text boxes: (1) a one to two paragraph description of the planned research activity and its relation to the student’s program of study and (2) a one to two paragraph explanation of the planned expenses, primary sources of funding, and need for the “bridging the gap” funds.
Eligibility: Earth and Planetary Science graduate students with demonstrated need.
Application deadline: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and will be evaluated within two weeks of receipt.
EPS Undergraduate Award Opportunities
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences will offer financial awards for undergraduates intended for use in the Spring and Summer of 2025. EPS foundations and endowments fund these awards and have various eligibility requirements and restrictions on the use of funds. Undergraduate awards range in size from ~$1,000-$3,000 and can support field research, conference travel, or direct financial support to recognize academic achievement, depending on the award. A one-page statement and one-page CV are required for each application. Each application must include an EPS faculty reference's name and email address. Applicants agree to allow the scholarship committee access to their UCR academic transcripts by applying. All awardees must be in good academic standing. Please pay attention to the specific eligibility requirements that may differ between awards. The EPS Awards Committee comprises Dr. Edward Schwieterman (Chair), Dr. Andrey Bekker, Dr. Wei Liu, and Dr. David Oglesby.
Note: If you would like to use different one-page statements for different award opportunities, please append the extra statement in your upload or submit two separate applications.
Application Deadlines: Friday, April 18, 2025
Available Awards and Eligibility Requirements:
Mike Murphy Endowed Field Studies Fund—Undergraduate Application: Awards of up to $3,000 to support the research of undergraduate students engaged in field studies at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Eligible expenses include travel support for field research or conferences, conference fees, research equipment, and summer research stipends. Awards will be based on merit. Your one-page statement should include a description of the research intended and your qualifications. Eligibility: Current undergraduate students. Note: Please include a brief itemized budget in the appropriate field in the Google Form. Students can apply the same statement to the Murphy, Elders, and Morton opportunities.
Dr. Wilfred Elders Endowed Fund for Field Studies—Undergraduate Application: Awards of up to $3,000 to support the research of undergraduate students engaged in field studies at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Eligible expenses include travel support for field research or conferences, conference fees, research equipment, and stipends. Awards will be based on merit. Eligibility: Undergraduate student EPS majors pursuing field studies. Note: Please include a brief itemized budget in the appropriate field in the Google Form. Students can apply the same statement to the Murphy, Elders, and Morton opportunities.
Douglas M. Morton Memorial Endowed Student Field Studies Fund: $1,000 will be awarded to support undergraduate students pursuing geological research involving keen field observation. Your one-page statement should include a description of the research intended and your qualifications. Eligibility: Current undergraduate students. Note: Students can apply the same statement to the Murphy, Elders, and Morton opportunities.
McKibben/Turner Undergraduate Award: A minimum of $1,000 per winner will be awarded to support the academic studies of meritorious undergraduate students in our department. Both faculty and student (self) nominations will be accepted. Faculty nominations will be solicited separately; please only use this form for self-nominations. The one-page nomination statement should describe the student's academic accomplishments, actions to overcome adversity (including first-generation or low-income status if applicable), and community contributions. The award fund provides special consideration to students whose interests and community actions are linked to preserving or appreciating California's natural beauty and resources. If applicable, please describe this in the nomination statement. Eligibility: Current undergraduate students. Note: If you would like to use different one-page statements for different award opportunities, please append the extra statement in your upload or submit two separate applications.
Dr. Wilfred Elders Endowed Fund: A minimum of $1,000 per winner will be awarded to support the academic studies of meritorious undergraduate students in our department, who meet specific criteria. Eligibility: undergraduate students pursuing a major in EPS who are good academic standing and demonstrate potential for community leadership or scientific discovery. Awardees must be from a low-income and/or first-generation background and are members of one or more affinity organizations that may include but are not limited to: the Black Student Union, oSTEM (Out in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics at UC Riverside), and Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Sciences (SACNAS). Please confirm your eligibility in your one-page statement.
EPS Graduate Award Opportunities
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences will offer financial awards for the 2025-2026 academic year. EPS foundations and endowments fund these awards and have various eligibility requirements and restrictions on the use of funds. Graduate student awards range from field research or conference travel support to entirely funded (tuition + salary) one-quarter GSR-equivalent appointments. Each application will require one recommendation letter from a faculty advisor. The EPS Awards Committee comprises Dr. Edward Schwieterman (Chair), Dr. Andrey Bekker, Dr. Wei Liu, and Dr. David Oglesby.
Application Deadlines: Friday, April 11, 2025
Application requirements: Please fill in the Google form and provide the needed attachments: (1) a one-page research statement describing the proposed investigation and the need for department award funds, (2) a one-page curriculum vitae, (3) a budget (if requesting funds in addition to a GSR), (4) contact information for one letter writer. Applicants should indicate whether they would like to be considered for summer 2025 or Fall 2025-Spring 2026 funding where applicable (e.g., Blanchard). Note that while we will consider the possibility of summer (2025) support, we are prioritizing needs for academic quarters Fall 2025, Winter 2026, and Spring 2026. Please justify your choice in the research statement. Awardees must agree to consult the EPS Graduate Faculty Advisors when scheduling the quarter they take their award quarter. All awardees must be in good academic standing. Please pay heed to the eligibility requirements.
Available Awards and Eligibility Requirements:
Roland Blanchard Fund—Graduate Application: One academic quarter GSR-equivalent appointment (tuition + salary) or one summer quarter of funding (50% FTE) for graduate students working on any aspect of field geology, mineralogy, or geochemistry of mineral deposits other than oil. Additional eligible expenses such as equipment or travel may be considered and require an additional budget narrative. Awards will be based on merit and need. Eligibility: Graduate students who have not received a Blanchard award at any time in the past. Those who have received an academic award from another fund are eligible to apply, but priority will be given to qualified applicants who have not received an academic quarter award from the committee.
Shawn Biehler Distinguished Graduate Award: One academic quarter GSR-equivalent appointment (tuition + salary) or one summer quarter of funding (50% FTE) for graduate students conducting geophysics or applied geophysics research. Awards will be based on merit and need. Eligibility: Geophysics graduate students who have not received a Biehler award.
Babcock Earth Sciences Graduate Student Endowed Fund: One academic quarter GSR-equivalent appointment (tuition + salary) or one summer quarter of funding (50% FTE) for graduate students studying environmental and sustainability problems for the betterment of the environment and society. Potential uses of the fund include, but are not limited to, purchasing of equipment, lab supplies, computer components, conference registrations, reimbursement for travel, tuition, and fees, consistent with UCR policies, so long as the expenses benefit the awardee’s research. Supplements to salary awards must be under $3,000 and requested in writing with a line-by-line supplemental budget. Students must be in good academic standing. Preference will be given to students who have faced adversity, such as first-generation status. Eligibility: Graduate students in the geosciences studying environmental and sustainability problems.
Mike Murphy Endowed Field Studies Fund—Graduate Application: One summer quarter of funding (50% FTE) for graduate students engaged in field studies at the Department of the Earth and Planetary Sciences. Additional eligible expenses such as equipment or travel may be considered and require an additional budget narrative. Awards will be based on merit and need. Eligibility: Graduate students who have never received summer funding from the EPS Awards
Committee. -
Dr. Wilfred Elders Endowed Fund for Field Studies—Graduate Application: Up to $3,000 in field research-related expenses (no salary). A budget with a narrative is necessary. Awards are based on merit. Eligibility: Graduate students pursuing field studies in Earth and Planetary Sciences.
The Google Form will request past support and other details that include:
· Current quarter at UCR (e.g., 5th quarter)
· Quarters supported by Fellowship (including Dean’s Distinguished Fellowship)
· Quarters supported by TA (not summers)
· Quarters supported by GSR (not summers)
· Summers supported and unsupported
· Fellowship applied for by the date (e.g., NSF, NASA, UCR internal, other external)