Latest News for November 22nd, 2022


Earth might be experiencing 7th mass extinction, not 6th

Earth is currently in the midst of a mass extinction, losing thousands of species each year. New research suggests environmental changes caused the first such event in history, which occurred millions of years earlier than scientists previously realized. Read more.
By Jules Bernstein | | Paleontology, Paleobiology, Paleoecology
Ancient sea creature roaming sea floor

Tiniest Ever Ancient Seawater Pockets Revealed

Trapped for millennia, the tiniest liquid remnants of an ancient inland sea have now been revealed. The surprising discovery of seawater sealed in what is now North America for 390 million years opens up a new avenue for understanding how oceans change and adapt with changing climate. Read more.
By Jules Bernstein | | Sedimentary Geochemistry & Organic Geochemistry
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